Asbestos Vinyl Removal

Asbestos Vinyl Removal was originally Classified by Worksafe NZ as Class A for Vinyl Scraping and Class B if you were going to cut and drop basically the Vinyl with the Floor. Since 2015 Worksafe NZ has looked at the different Methods of Asbestos Vinyl Removal and has Classified them as Class A Activity.

John Kerr from Safety 1st Removals Ltd an Asbestos Removalists and Class A approved and operating in Auckland and Tauranga specialises in Asbestos Vinyl Removal and describes the difference of the two procedures

Asbestos Vinyl Removal by Scraping John Kerr of Safety 1st Removals says is the most common method used in Asbestos Vinyl Removal . Most Removalists prefer this method over cut and drop. John Kerr will explain why the preference for scraping for Asbestos Vinyl Removal.

John Kerr Director of Safety 1st Removals says using scraping as the preferred method for Asbestos Vinyl Removal is because of a few things, less waste, sometimes easier and able to work Swabs sometimes. All these tests are undertaken to prove that this has been no containmenation of areas outside of the Removal Area.

John Kerr from Safety 1st Removals Ltd an Asbestos Removalists and Class A approved and operating in Auckland and Tauranga specialises in Asbestos Vinyl Removal describes that scraping the Vinyl can be attractive as less waste. Instead of removing the Asbestos Vinyl with the Floorboards you are scraping it off the Floorboards.

John Kerr Director of Safety 1st Removals says using scraping as the preferred method for Asbestos Vinyl Removal may reduce the waste being produced can also provide more work sometimes the Glue contains Asbestos Fibres as well.Asbestos Vinyl Removal can be very tricky as when the Glue or adhesive contains it removing it from the surface of the floorboards can be time consuming.

John Kerr from Safety 1st Removals Ltd an Asbestos Removalists and Class A approved and operating in Auckland and Tauranga who specialises in Asbestos Vinyl Removal says that this maybe the case about time consuming from scraping but still most Removalists find this a Cleaner more cost effective way of removing Asbestos Vinyl. Even though it maybe more Time Consuming you save costs in when you dump the Material at the approved landfill.

John Kerr Director of Safety 1st Removals says using scraping as the preferred method for Asbestos Vinyl Removal also trains Workers to certain ways for scraping Vinyl and they become very proficent at Asbestos Vinyl Removal.

John Kerr from Safety 1st Removals Ltd an Asbestos Removalists and Class A approved and operating in Auckland and Tauranga who specialises in Asbestos Vinyl Removal will in later blogs describe how Cut and Drop Method can be considered favourable in Asbestos Vinyl Removal.

The removal of asbestos vinyl flooring is a highly specialized process that requires careful handling to avoid releasing toxic asbestos fibers into the air. Asbestos was commonly used in vinyl products for its durability and fire-resistant properties until its health risks became well-known. For homeowners in Auckland, safely removing asbestos vinyl flooring involves several critical steps, and it is highly recommended to engage with professional services like Safety 1st Projects Ltd, a project management company specializing in hazardous remediation, and Safety 1st Removals Ltd, a remediation company with expertise in safely handling and removing hazardous materials.

Step 1: Understand the Risks

The first step in any asbestos removal project is understanding the serious health risks posed by asbestos fibers if they become airborne and are inhaled. These risks include lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis.

Step 2: Legal and Safety Compliance

In Auckland, asbestos removal is regulated by local and national laws, including requirements from WorkSafe New Zealand. Homeowners should familiarize themselves with these regulations to ensure any removal work is compliant.

Step 3: Professional Assessment

Before any removal begins, it's essential to have the asbestos vinyl flooring professionally assessed. Safety 1st Projects Ltd can manage this initial phase, conducting thorough assessments to confirm the presence of asbestos and develop a safe removal plan.

Step 4: Engage a Qualified Removal Company

For the actual removal process, hiring a qualified asbestos removal company like Safety 1st Removals Ltd is crucial. They have the certification, experience, and equipment necessary to safely remove asbestos materials.

Step 5: Area Preparation

The removal area must be carefully prepared to prevent the spread of asbestos fibers. This preparation includes sealing off the area, using air filtration systems, and ensuring that all personnel wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

Step 6: Removal Process

Safety 1st Removals Ltd will employ specific techniques to minimize asbestos fiber release during the removal of vinyl flooring. This may involve wetting the asbestos vinyl to reduce dust, carefully cutting it into manageable sections, and safely bagging and sealing the material for disposal.

Step 7: Safe Disposal

Asbestos waste must be disposed of according to local regulations, which typically involve using designated landfill sites equipped to handle hazardous materials. The removal company will handle the transportation and disposal of asbestos materials safely.

Step 8: Decontamination

Following the removal, the area, along with tools and equipment used, must be thoroughly decontaminated. This involves specialized cleaning techniques to ensure no asbestos fibers remain.

Step 9: Final Inspection and Clearance Testing

A final inspection and clearance testing by Safety 1st Projects Ltd ensure that the area is safe for reoccupation. This step is critical to confirm that all asbestos has been removed and that the air quality is safe.

Step 10: Documentation

Keep all documentation related to the asbestos removal project, including the initial assessment report, clearance testing results, and disposal receipts. This documentation is important for legal compliance and future reference.


Removing asbestos vinyl flooring in Auckland should not be taken lightly due to the associated health risks and legal implications. Homeowners are strongly advised to engage with professional companies such as Safety 1st Projects Ltd for project management and Safety 1st Removals Ltd for the actual removal work. By following these steps and working with experienced professionals, homeowners can ensure the safe and compliant removal of asbestos vinyl flooring.

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