When dealing with the aftermath of asbestos textured ceiling removal, the following steps can be taken to plaster and paint the ceiling:

  1. Hire a licensed asbestos abatement professional: Safety should be the top priority when dealing with asbestos-related work. It is crucial to hire a certified professional who specializes in asbestos removal and has the necessary training and expertise. Safety 1st Removals Ltd, an asbestos removal company operating in Auckland, can be contacted for this purpose.
  2. Ensure proper asbestos removal: Before proceeding with plastering and painting, it is essential to ensure that the asbestos has been safely and completely removed from the ceiling. The licensed professionals from Safety 1st Removals Ltd will handle this process according to the necessary safety protocols.
  3. Prepare the ceiling surface: Once the asbestos has been removed, the ceiling surface needs to be prepared for plastering. This may involve removing any remaining adhesive or texture, cleaning the surface, and ensuring it is smooth and free from any debris.
  4. Apply plaster: Skilled plasterers can then apply a suitable plastering compound to the ceiling. This will help to create a smooth and even surface for painting. The specific plastering techniques and materials used will depend on the condition of the ceiling and the desired finish.
  5. Allow the plaster to dry: The plaster needs sufficient time to dry and cure. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the recommended drying time. It's crucial not to rush this step, as proper drying will ensure a solid base for the paint.
  6. Sand the plastered surface: Once the plaster is fully dry, it may be necessary to lightly sand the surface to achieve a smooth finish. Use fine-grit sandpaper and be careful not to damage the plaster or create excessive dust.
  7. Clean the area: After sanding, thoroughly clean the area to remove any dust or debris generated during the process. Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to minimize the spread of fine particles.
  8. Prime the surface: Apply a primer specifically designed for plastered surfaces. Priming helps to seal the surface, improve paint adhesion, and ensure an even color finish. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application and drying times.
  9. Paint the ceiling: Once the primer is dry, you can proceed with painting the ceiling. Choose a high-quality paint suitable for ceilings and follow the manufacturer's instructions for application. Apply multiple coats if necessary, ensuring even coverage and allowing sufficient drying time between coats.
  10. Clean up: Properly dispose of any waste materials, such as used paint cans, brushes, and other debris. Clean the tools and the surrounding area thoroughly.

Remember, for any asbestos-related work, including removal, it is vital to consult with certified professionals like Safety 1st Removals Ltd, who are experienced in handling asbestos safely and in compliance with local regulations.

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