Asbestos Textured Ceiling Removal

Asbestos Textured Ceiling Removal is a Class A Asbestos Activity under the New Zealand Asbestos Regulations 2016. This comes under the New Zealand Work Place and Health and Safety Act 2015. John Kerr from Safety 1st Removals Ltd an Asbestos Removalist in Auckland and Tauranga explains.

John Kerr of Safety 1st Removals Ltd who conducts Asbestos Textured Ceiling Removal work in Tauranga and Auckland says the New Zealand Asbestos Regulations 2016 has two Classifications for Asbestos Removal in New Zealand. These are Class A and Class B, Class A is any work that involves Friable Activity and Class B is Non Friable Activity.

John Kerr of Safety 1st Removals Ltd says Asbestos Textured Ceiling Removal is a Friable Activity and so is Classified it as a Class A Asbestos Removal Activity. What makes it an Asbestos Friable Activity you ask? In simple terms John Kerr of Safety 1st Removals Ltd states anytime you disturb or break Asbestos Contaminated Material (ACM) that material becomes airborne. Therefore if it is airborne it is Friable and considered an Asbestos Class A Activity.

You Ask whats a Class B Asbestos Activity? John Kerr of Safety Ist Removals Ltd says that Class B Asbestos Activity as Classified in the NZ Asbestos Regulations 2016 is the Non Friable Asbestos Activity. What is that ? John Kerr of Safety 1st Removals Ltd states this is Asbestos work like Removing Cladding,Fences, Soffits around houses. Unlike Asbestos Textured Ceiling Removal Asbestos Cladding Removal can mostly be undertaken and removed in whole pieces therefore not disturbing the Asbestos Contaminated Material (ACM) and thus it becomes a Non Friable Activity.

John Kerr of Safety 1st Removals Ltd who is an Asbestos Removalists and operates in Tauranga and Auckland states that Asbestos Textured Ceiling Removal is therefore deemed a Class A Asbestos Activity and must be conducted under Class A conditions. The Class A Asbestos conditions are mostly around encapsulating the removal area with plastic,having 3x Stage Decontamination Units,Negative Pressure Unit(big Extractor Fan) , Air Monitoring by an Independent Asbestos Assessor during the whole time while the Asbestos is being removed.

What are the requirements of Class B Asbestos Non Friable Activity? John Kerr of Safety 1st Removals Ltd says unlike Asbestos Textured Ceiling Removal Asbestos Cladding Removal can be denailed and taken off in whole sheets. Therefore they dont need the Asbestos Removal Area to be encapsulated with Plastic ,you dont need an extractor fan and you only need normally a 1x Decontamination Unit.

John Kerr of Safety 1st Removals Ltd an Asbestos Removalist operating in Tauranga and Auckland states that now Class A and Class B Asbestos Activity has been explained you will know what is required when you are dealing with your Asbestos Textured Ceiling Removal.

Safely Navigating the Removal of Asbestos Textured Ceilings: A Guide for Homeowners with Safety 1st Removals Ltd


The discovery of asbestos in the home can be unsettling, especially when it comes to textured ceilings, a common location for asbestos-containing materials. Asbestos in textured ceilings poses health risks, and its removal requires careful consideration and professional expertise. In this guide, we will walk homeowners through the procedures and precautions to take when contemplating the removal of asbestos textured ceilings, with a focus on the trusted services provided by Safety 1st Removals Ltd.

Understanding Asbestos in Textured Ceilings:

Textured ceilings, often referred to as popcorn or stipple ceilings, were popular in construction for their aesthetic appeal and acoustic properties. However, many of these ceilings installed before the 1980s contain asbestos, which can become hazardous if disturbed.

  1. Identifying Asbestos: If your home was built before the 1980s, there is a possibility that the textured ceiling contains asbestos. Asbestos testing is the first crucial step in determining the presence of this harmful substance. Safety 1st Removals Ltd specializes in accurate asbestos testing, providing homeowners with a reliable assessment of their textured ceilings.
  2. Consulting Professionals: Once asbestos is confirmed, consulting professionals becomes imperative. Safety 1st Removals Ltd offers expert advice and services to guide homeowners through the safe removal process. DIY removal is strongly discouraged due to the associated health risks and the potential for improper handling.

Procedures for Safe Asbestos Textured Ceiling Removal:

  1. Engage Professional Services: Safety 1st Removals Ltd's team of trained professionals specializes in asbestos removal. Engaging their services ensures that the removal process adheres to safety standards and regulations, protecting both occupants and workers.
  2. Site Inspection and Risk Assessment: Prior to removal, Safety 1st Removals Ltd conducts a thorough site inspection and risk assessment. This step is crucial to identify potential hazards, plan the removal strategy, and implement safety measures to minimize exposure.
  3. Containment Measures: To prevent the spread of asbestos fibers, the work area is carefully sealed off using plastic sheeting and negative air pressure systems. Safety 1st Removals Ltd employs advanced containment measures to ensure the safe removal of asbestos from textured ceilings.
  4. Protective Gear and Equipment: Safety 1st Removals Ltd's professionals use specialized personal protective equipment (PPE) and state-of-the-art tools to safely handle asbestos materials. Homeowners can trust that every precaution is taken to minimize risks during the removal process.
  5. Proper Disposal: Asbestos waste is classified as hazardous, and its disposal is strictly regulated. Safety 1st Removals Ltd adheres to legal requirements for the proper containment, transportation, and disposal of asbestos materials, ensuring environmental responsibility.


The removal of asbestos from textured ceilings is a task that demands expertise, caution, and adherence to safety protocols. Safety 1st Removals Ltd stands as a reliable partner for homeowners seeking professional assistance in this process. By entrusting their textured ceiling removal to experienced professionals, homeowners can ensure the safety of their households while mitigating the risks associated with asbestos exposure.

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