Asbestos Class A Removal job in NZ and how you would cost it

Asbestos Class A removal is a highly specialized task that requires stringent safety measures, professional handling, and adherence to legal and environmental regulations. In New Zealand, this process involves the removal of friable asbestos, or any material containing asbestos, which is in powder form or can be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure when dry.

Here's the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Initial Assessment

  • Site Inspection: A thorough inspection is conducted to identify the presence, type, and extent of asbestos-containing materials (ACM).
  • Asbestos Testing: Collect samples and have them tested by an accredited laboratory to confirm the presence of asbestos.

Step 2: Develop Asbestos Removal Control Plan (ARCP)

  • Risk Assessment: Evaluate the potential risks associated with the removal process.
  • ARCP Development: Create a plan outlining the methods, equipment, and precautions to be used during the removal process.

Step 3: Notification

  • Inform Authorities: Notify the relevant regulatory authorities about the planned asbestos removal, adhering to the mandatory notification period.

Step 4: Site Preparation

  • Establish Exclusion Zones: Set up barriers and warning signs to restrict unauthorized access.
  • Decontamination Units: Install decontamination units for personnel and equipment.

Step 5: Asbestos Removal

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Ensure that all workers are equipped with appropriate PPE.
  • Removal Process: Execute the removal according to the outlined ARCP, ensuring that all friable asbestos materials are adequately wetted down or otherwise controlled to minimize dust emissions.

Step 6: Waste Disposal

  • Containment: Place asbestos waste in labeled, sealed containers.
  • Transport and Disposal: Transport the waste to an approved disposal facility following legal and environmental guidelines.

Step 7: Clearance Inspection

  • Visual Inspection: Ensure all visible asbestos has been removed.
  • Air Monitoring: Conduct air tests to ensure fiber concentrations are below the allowable limit.

Step 8: Reporting

  • Documentation: Compile and submit a comprehensive report detailing the removal process, waste disposal, and clearance inspection results.


The cost for asbestos removal can vary widely depending on the scope and complexity of the job. Safety 1st Removals Ltd in Auckland would consider factors such as:

  • Labour: The number of personnel required.
  • Equipment: Necessary tools, PPE, and decontamination units.
  • Waste Disposal: Costs associated with transport and disposal of asbestos waste.
  • Additional Services: Air monitoring, inspections, and testing.

To get an accurate cost estimate, Safety 1st Removals Ltd would perform a site visit, assess the scope of work, and provide a detailed quotation based on the specific requirements and challenges of the job at hand.

Remember, dealing with asbestos should always be done with the utmost care, and it is typically a job for professionals who are trained to handle hazardous materials safely and efficiently, ensuring the safety of individuals and the environment. Safety should always be the first priority.

Removing asbestos cladding from your home in Auckland is a complex and hazardous task that requires strict adherence to safety protocols and regulations. Asbestos, once a popular material in the construction industry due to its durability and resistance to fire, poses significant health risks when disturbed. Fibers released into the air can be inhaled, leading to severe lung conditions, including asbestosis and mesothelioma. To ensure the safe removal of asbestos cladding, homeowners should consider the expertise of Safety 1st Projects Ltd for project management in hazardous remediation and Safety 1st Removals Ltd for the physical removal process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Understand the Importance of Safety

Recognize the serious health risks associated with asbestos. Any project involving asbestos removal must prioritize health and safety to prevent exposure.

Step 2: Legal and Regulatory Compliance

In Auckland, the removal of asbestos is governed by strict regulations to protect public health and safety. Familiarize yourself with the requirements set by WorkSafe New Zealand and the Auckland Council, including any necessary notifications or permits before starting the removal process.

Step 3: Engage with Safety 1st Projects Ltd

Consult with Safety 1st Projects Ltd, a project management company specializing in hazardous remediation. They can provide an initial assessment, project planning, and ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements. Their expertise will be invaluable in managing the safe and efficient removal of asbestos cladding.

Step 4: Professional Asbestos Inspection

Before any removal work begins, a thorough inspection of the cladding by certified professionals is necessary to confirm the presence of asbestos. Safety 1st Projects Ltd can arrange for samples to be taken and analyzed in a laboratory to determine the extent and condition of the asbestos material.

Step 5: Hiring Safety 1st Removals Ltd

For the actual removal of asbestos cladding, hiring a certified removal company like Safety 1st Removals Ltd is essential. They specialize in the safe removal of hazardous materials and have the necessary equipment, experience, and certification to handle the job safely.

Step 6: Preparing the Site

Safety 1st Removals Ltd will prepare the site by securing the area and implementing safety measures to prevent asbestos fiber release. This includes setting up containment barriers and using specialized vacuum systems with HEPA filters to control air quality.

Step 7: Removal Process

The removal process involves carefully dismantling the asbestos cladding to minimize breakage and fiber release. The team will use wetting agents to suppress dust and carefully package the asbestos waste in sealed, labeled containers for proper disposal.

Step 8: Disposal of Asbestos Waste

Asbestos waste must be disposed of at an approved facility. Safety 1st Removals Ltd will manage the transportation and disposal of asbestos materials following local regulations.

Step 9: Site Decontamination

After the removal, a thorough decontamination of the site and all equipment used is necessary. This ensures that no asbestos fibers remain on the premises.

Step 10: Final Inspection and Documentation

A final inspection by Safety 1st Projects Ltd will verify that the removal has been completed successfully and the area is safe for reoccupation. Maintain all documentation related to the asbestos removal process, including inspection reports, air monitoring results, and disposal receipts, for future reference and compliance purposes.


The removal of asbestos cladding in Auckland homes is a delicate process that demands professional handling to ensure the safety of homeowners and the community. By engaging with Safety 1st Projects Ltd for project management and Safety 1st Removals Ltd for the removal work, homeowners can navigate the complexities of asbestos removal in a safe, compliant, and efficient manner. Always prioritize safety and professional assistance when dealing with hazardous materials like asbestos.

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