How do you dispose of asbestos NZ? Asbestos Disposal in Auckland: A Homeowner’s Essential Guide

How do you dispose of asbestos NZ? Safety 1st Removals Ltd Director John Kerr has 20 years experience both New Zealand and Australia. John Kerr states " Over time I have noticed the improving ways that Asbestos is disposed of at Landfills. I remember the days when Asbestos used to be dumped at local landfills with ordinary rubbish. Landfill workers use to just handle it with no Respirators or other PPE".

How do you dispose of asbestos NZ? As Director of Safety 1st Removals Ltd John Kerr states " Over time the handling of Asbestos has changed as more and more research has shown how dangerous Asbestos can be.So with the new research they also started to develop new best practices on how to handle and dispose of asbestos.

How do you dispose of asbestos NZ? Safety 1st Removals Ltd says " We should look at how we dispose of Asbestos in 2 categories. 1) Residential 2) Commercial. Residential disposal of Asbestos is a common problem for most homeowners. Firstly most Homeowners dont have the necessary equipment to remove and dispose of Asbestos. Worksafe NZ says a Homeowner can remove up to 10sqm yourself. Then you must dispose of it in a Safe way. Only certain Landfills take Asbestos and you must package in a certain way. In Auckland there are only 3 landfills that take Asbestos and they have strict protocols. I suggest that if you as a Homeowner have any Asbestos you should ring a qualified Asbestos Removalist to get them to undertake the work.They will remove and dispose of in the appropriate way".

How do you dispose of asbestos NZ? Safety 1st Removals Ltd Director John Kerr says Commercial Asbestos Removal is tottally different. Removal must be done in the a very prescribed way. All Asbestos must be double bagged in approved Asbestos bagged.Then the Asbestos must be double wrapped in either a Bin or a Tip Truck in 250 micron Black Polythene that will be tapped as a package and taken to the landfill in that packaged".

How do you dispose of asbestos NZ? Safety 1st Removals Ltd Director says " His advice to anybody that has Asbestos to remove and dispose of, is to get an approved Asbestos Removalist to look after all there Asbestos requirements".

Asbestos Disposal in Auckland: A Homeowner’s Essential Guide

Asbestos disposal is a critical concern for Auckland homeowners, especially for those living in buildings constructed before the year 2000. Given the harmful health effects associated with asbestos exposure, it's paramount to approach its disposal with caution and professionalism. This is where expert services, such as Safety 1st Removals Ltd and Safety 1st Projects Ltd, play a vital role in ensuring the safety and compliance of asbestos disposal processes.

Understanding the Need for Proper Asbestos Disposal

Asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) were widely used in the construction industry for their durability and resistance to fire, heat, and chemicals. However, when these materials are damaged or deteriorate over time, they pose a significant health risk by releasing asbestos fibers into the air. Inhaling these fibers can lead to severe lung conditions, including asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma. Therefore, the proper disposal of asbestos is not just a regulatory requirement but a critical measure to protect public health and the environment.

The Role of Safety 1st Removals Ltd

When it comes to asbestos disposal in Auckland, Safety 1st Removals Ltd is a homeowner's trusted partner. Specializing in the safe removal of asbestos, the company adheres to strict safety standards and regulations to ensure that all asbestos materials are handled and disposed of correctly. Their team of certified professionals is equipped with the necessary tools and protective gear to safely remove asbestos from your property, minimizing the risk of exposure to you and your family.

Partnering with Safety 1st Projects Ltd for Comprehensive Management

Disposing of asbestos is a complex process that involves more than just removal. It requires careful planning, coordination, and adherence to legal and environmental standards. Safety 1st Projects Ltd offers Hazardous Project Management services that encompass the entire asbestos disposal process. From initial inspection and asbestos identification to removal, transport, and lawful disposal, Safety 1st Projects Ltd ensures that every step is executed with the highest level of professionalism and compliance. Their expertise in managing hazardous materials makes them an invaluable resource for Auckland homeowners facing the challenges of asbestos disposal.

Homeowner’s Checklist for Asbestos Disposal in Auckland

  1. Identify Potential Asbestos: If your home was built or renovated before 2000, it might contain asbestos. Consider an assessment by a professional to identify ACMs.
  2. Engage with Professionals: Contact Safety 1st Removals Ltd for the safe removal of identified asbestos. Their expertise ensures that asbestos is removed in compliance with health and safety guidelines.
  3. Comprehensive Project Management: For larger projects that involve asbestos, Safety 1st Projects Ltd can manage the process from start to finish, ensuring that all aspects of disposal are covered, from legal compliance to environmental safety.
  4. Follow Legal and Safety Guidelines: Asbestos disposal is regulated by Auckland Council and national laws. Always ensure that disposal methods comply with these regulations to avoid penalties and environmental harm.
  5. Stay Informed: Educate yourself about the risks associated with asbestos and the importance of professional disposal. Awareness is key to protecting your health and that of your community.


The disposal of asbestos in Auckland homes is a matter that requires serious attention and professionalism. By engaging with experts like Safety 1st Removals Ltd and Safety 1st Projects Ltd, homeowners can navigate the complex process of asbestos disposal with confidence, ensuring the safety of their homes and the well-being of their families. Remember, when it comes to asbestos, taking shortcuts is not an option. Prioritize safety and compliance, and trust the experts to handle this hazardous material responsibly.

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