Can you remove asbestos yourself NZ?

Can you remove asbestos yourself NZ?

Safety 1st Removals Ltd is an a Class A Removalist and has experience both here and Australia and we have over 20 years experience within our personnel.

The Frequent most asked question we get asked is Can you remove asbestos yourself NZ? Safety 1st Removals Ltd Director John Kerr always finds this question very hard to answer. The reason being with some much education and awareness promoted about the dangers of Asbestos it is hard to fathom why you would want to Remove Asbestos yourself.

Can you remove asbestos yourself NZ? 60 people die both in NZ and Australia every year from Asbestos Related causes. Asbestos causes scarring on the lungs which in turn leads to respiratory problems and eventually death. Symptoms can sometimes take 20 - 30 years to show signs of Asbestosis.

Can you remove asbestos yourself NZ? In NZ Worksafe NZ recommends that for Class B Asbestos Removal Work house owners can remove up to 10sqm on any given project. Safety 1st Removals Ltd Director explains "this relates to work like removal of Cladding, fence etc when the Asbestos Contaminated Material is being removed in whole sections.If the whole project of Asbestos Removal is more than 10 sqm you cannot remove 10sqm today and another 10 sqm tomorrow. If this occurs you must source the expertise of an approved Asbestos Removalist like Safety 1st Removals Ltd".

Can you remove asbestos yourself NZ? WorkSafe NZ states that for any Class A removal that a Class A approved Licensed Removalist is engaged to remove the Asbestos. Safety 1st Removals Ltd Director explains. "Class A Asbestos is defined as being in a Friable state and this very unstable. Friable State relates to the condition of the product and mostly this can be very crumbly and thus releasing fibres into environment which you would be breathing into your system.So if you have any doubts seek professional advice".

Can you remove asbestos yourself NZ? So in conclusion John Kerr Director of Safety 1st Removals Ltd Both a Class A and B approved Asbestos Removal Company recommends that for any Asbestos Removal that you seek the advice of a professional". Remember Asbestos Related illnesses is one of the biggest Workplace killers in Both NZ and Australia.

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